vorstermans architects seatoun observatory

Seatoun Observatory

This unique project brought a long time passion for the stars closer to home, in fact as close as the garden shed.
An existing small building tucked into a far corner of the garden is to be developed to allow the addition of an observatory dome with observation platform and a control room to operate the telescope and tracking equipment.

The 9m2 shed will have a new mezzanine level added to form the observatory platform, built around and isolated from a new steel pier installed into the existing slab to mount the telescope equipment. The platform is accessed by a trapdoor and ladder

The engineered steel pier supports (from the bottom up): a second internal elevating telescope pier, a German equatorial telescope mount and wedge, with the telescope fixed to the mount. This equipment will enabling the telescope to track objects in the heavens over long periods of time as the earth spins, allowing long exposure imaging of these objects.

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